PAdel Integration and DIGITAL empowerment for ngo advancement
Between 01.09.2024 and 31.08.2025, two young people participate in a 60-day study trip to Saron, Spain, in the framework of the Erasmus+ Sports Mobility programme. The aim of the mobility is for the Hungarian participants to learn about the environmental impact of different sports activities and to learn about new digital techniques to increase environmental awareness. The host organisation for the young people in Spain is Permacultura Cantabria.

PPSS – Progression Pathways in Social Sports
Duration: 25.01.2024.-31.07.2026.
The Life Goal project aims to use the power of sport to foster greater social cohesion and more effective inclusion of the vulnerable.
Move to inspire, inspire to move!
The two-year programme will deliver a training programme for people in social need who, by becoming social sports coaches, will open up new pathways for the development of themselves and others.

YETS- Youth Empowerment Through Sport (Erasmus)
Duration: 01.01.2024-30.06.2025
The newly established cooperation will enable the study visit of coaches and colleagues from the Italy based Heron Scsd to learn and experience methods that have been successfully used in the social inclusion of marginalized and at-risk groups.

MARIO Football3 for democratic participation (Minority Group International)
Duration: 01.01.2024-31.12.2024
Minority Rights Group (MRG) campaigns worldwide with around 150 partners in over 50 countries to ensure that disadvantaged minorities and indigenous peoples, often the poorest of the poor, can make their voices heard. It supports grassroots civil organizations representing vulnerable minority groups, such as the Oltalom Sports Association, in order to protect and promote minority rights and raise awareness of the fundamental rights and values of the EU.

Policy Advocacy for Sport and Society- PASS (Erasmus Sport)
Duration: 01.01.2024-31.12.2026
The European sport sector, and especially the burgeoning sport for development (SFD) movement, increasingly work towards goals related to promoting education in and through sport, as well as promoting equality in and through sport. Of note, numerous organisations aim to promote employability, shared values, peace and inclusion. To do so, these organizations often deliver sport and social activities aimed at bringing different groups together, fostering social relations, encouraging civic participation and developing life skills. Yet a crucial challenge has emerged for many of these programmes. Though they aim to promote inclusion, diversity and common values by working directly with often vulnerable or at-risk groups, their impact can be limited by a lack of alignment and support from policy or institutional actors in their communities. The Policy Advocacy for Sport and Society (PASS) project seeks to address this gap by developing a comprehensive set of tools and resources to raise awareness and capacity for policy advocacy within the crucial and growing sport and social development sector. As such, the PASS project will support European sport and social development actors so that they can increase their participation and engagement in democratic life, and enable them to use that engagement to sustainably promote education, equality and European values in and through sport.

Football for Unity 2.0- Team up for Solidarity (AMIF)
Duration: 01.09.2023-31.08.2025
During the 24 months long project, diverse sport-based activities (e.g. regular football trainings, Fair Play Football Roadshow, national and international tournaments, summer and training camps) and supporting social work aim to foster the social inclusion of refugees and third country nationals fled from the Ukrainian-Russian war since February 2022.
The program is implemented with the support of the AMIF program of the European Commission and the coordination of UEFA Foundation Children and Common Goal.

Team up for Ukraine, 3rd round
Duration: 01.07.2023-30.06.2024
Upon completing the 2nd round, the organisation received the 3rd round of funds raised from the 1% donations of professional footballers who have joined the Common Goal initiative. The diverse sport and social work related activities aim to support social inécusion and address the mid,- and long term needs of refugees and third country nationals who left Ukraine upon the outbreak of the Ukrainian- Russian war. Besides the activities implemented in Hungary, the support enables the Association to deliver humanitarian aid in cooperation with our Ukrainian partner organization to the war affected areas.

Progression Pathways in Social Sports-PPSS (Erasmus Sport)
Duration: 01.01.2024-30.05.2025
We strongly believe in the value of sport and exercise to everyone, including socially excluded people, who are prevented from fully participating in our society. We want to inspire socially excluded groups, such as homeless people, refugees, teenage mothers, and people facing addiction, by offering them the prospect of a positive future, a future with perspective! Progression Pathways in Social Sports project will take the next step towards making Europe more inclusive: a better place to live, exercise and work.
In a two-and-a-half-year program we will educate sport professionals to become tutors. As a tutor they will be capable of creating new ‘progression pathways’ for socially excluded people within the local context. As a tutor they will learn how to divide responsibilities among socially excluded participants and to educate socially excluded people in becoming social sport coaches so that they develop through volunteer work and take on a more active role within society. A classic train the trainer- model in uncharted territory.

Beyond the pitch-BtP (Erasmus Sport)
Duration: 01.11.2023-30.06.2025
As we know, in 2015 the number of communities forced to leave their places of residence and seeking protection increased significantly, and upon arriving in Europe, the members of these communities found themselves faced with new challenges and difficulties, such as the lack of opportunities for integration, isolation, loneliness, and anxiety and post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For those who have been forced into such a situation, sports can significantly contribute to successful integration into host communities, and it can also promote a sense of belonging, which has been shown to reduce stress and increase feelings of satisfaction and well-being.
The aim of our latest Erasmus+ project, “Beyond the Pitch”, is to develop together with our partners, the Greek organization Lighthouse Relief AMKE and the Romanian Sport for All Association Suceava, a set of tools that can be used at a transnational level, which offer sustainable solutions to the challenges experienced by displaced communities.

Sustainable future for all
The project supported by UEFA Foundation for Children allows the organization to continue its core skill developmental activities on and off the pitch. Besides the delivery of regular football trainings, the organization of Fair Play Football Tournaments and the participation in national and international tournaments, OSA can support 3 athletes with a scholarship, continue the English and Hungarian language support and launch the social coach training. Furthermore, various thematic workshops are designed to support the academic and employment achievement of the athletes as well as to empower and support advocacy skills of both female and male players.

GAIA project
Environmental issues are a general concern all over the world, as they affect the daily lives of each one of us. The relationship between human beings and nature is a notion that has existed in all civilisations since time began.
Sport is not isolated from this. Be it as a basic physical activity during leisure time or a high-level competition, sport constitutes a central element of society. The project aims to create a strong awareness, spread the utilization of good governance and sustainability actions. In fact, sport presents broad opportunities to promote environmental awareness, capacity building and far-reaching actions for environmental, social and economic development across society.
After the training, discussion forums will be set up with participants and stakeholders in order to develop Guidelines for Sustainable Sport Governance, articulated in various dimension per thematic field. The Guidelines will be the basis for the establishment of a “Good governance and Sustainability network” and they will include a complete set of principles to follow to ensure the creation of a sustainable and transparent organization structure, co-created directly by the final users.

DIALECT 2 “Combating youth raDIcalizAtion: Building communities of toLEranCe combining fooTball with media and digital literacy” having a twofold aim, combining the power of sports and football in specific, with media literacy. With the proliferation of mass media and social media information nowadays, a pursue to raise the critical thinking and self-determination of adolescents, whose identity construction is overlapping between offline and online interactions, seems more needed than ever. An aspect that was particularly raised during the pandemic as well.
Within the framework of the project aim is to train adolescents, football3 mediators and trainers in related areas, so that youngsters could take informed decisions, breaking existing stereotypes (ex. female and disabled athletes) and racial discrimination (ex. under- representing ethnic minorities) and responding to societal challengers, countering intolerant beliefs and attitudes both inside and outside the football court. In the long-term, those informed adolescents will act as agents of change addressing manifestations of racism and xenophobia at community level, promoting their resilience.
DIALECT 2 aims to enhance, through specific activities:
• the critical thinking and resilience of adolescents to extremist values and
• the capacities of mediators & trainers (sports professionals, coaches, CSOs) on building media and digital literacy skills of adolescents through football3.

Nemecsek Sport Project
Under the name of Nemecsek Sport Hintalovon Foundation, together with the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Hungarian Olympic Committee, launched a child protection program in 2021. The aim of the project is to esteblish a widespread cooperation for the protection of children in the field of sport. We are honored to have been invited to the Advisory Board. The two-monthly panels aim to draw up a new child protection directive that takes into account the views of all those involved in sport and can make the world of sport safer for children.