DIALECT – Building communities of tolerance through football


ActionAid launches DIALECT, a new project that aims to bring together youth,
using football as a powerful tool
to promote human rights and combat intolerance and xenophobia.

At a time when hate speech is a fact and the intersection between politics and football is leading mostly adolescents to radical groups and to racism, a shift in the use of football, as a means to promote solidarity is more imperative than ever.

DIALECT (Disrupting polarIsAtion: buiLding communitiEs of toleranCe through fooTball), seeks to rally youth in four European countries, i.e. Greece, Hungary, Italy to promote solidarity, create communities of tolerance and to form a strong network of change through football.
Through this network, the ultimate goal is to play football in a different way, spreading the message of Football for All: making extreme discourses irrelevant empowering participants, to practice on their conflict resolution skills and promoting social cohesion through the developed capacity.

The football3 methodology that is being applied in the game is innovative. Children are invited to play in a different way. The objective is to create a shift in the use of football, that will promote equality and respect. The principles of active citizenship and solidarity will be spread across teams and countries, promoting powerful networks of change and community building.

Additionally, project’s aim is to bring together adolescents of migrant and non-migrant background, Civil Society Organizations, Sports Associations, Municipal and Public Authorities and Youth Leaders, and create a strong collaboration network among them.

DIALECT is co-funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020). It is being implemented in Greece by ActionAid and the National Centre for Social Research, in Italy by ActionAid, in Hungary by Otlalom Sport Association, in Serbia by Football Friends and in cooperation with Streetfootballworld in Germany and Melissa Network in Greece.

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